Will My Grease Trap Be Inspected?
Yes. Your grease trapping equipment will be inspected up to 4 times per year by a representative of Irish Water. Inspectors can call without notice and will ask to see documentation relating to the design, manufacture and maintenance of the grease trapping equipment.
What Does the Inspector Require?
Irish Water inspectors require the licensee to regularly monitor, maintain and document the compliance performance of each grease trap on their premises.
The following information should be retained for each inspection:
- A copy of the sizing calculation for the grease trap
- A copy of the manufacturers CE accreditation
- Design details showing volumes, flow rates etc.
- Dates & times of all maintenance records
- Waste disposal records from a licensed contractor
- Copy of a current Trade Effluent FOG Licence
Failure to present any of the above may result in a notification of non-compliance.
What Is a Trade Effluent FOG Licence?
All FSE’s (Food Service Establishments) are legally required to apply for an annual Trade Effluent FOG Licence. This allows food operators to discharge their catering wastewater into the public sewer. However, if compliance with licensing requirements cannot be demonstrated for the previous year a current licence will not be issued. The premises will be informed of their non-compliance and given time to address the issues.
Under Section 16 (1) of the Public Health Act, the food operator is subject to criminal liability if they cannot demonstrate compliance with the conditions of their Discharge Licence.
How do I Apply for a Trade Effluent FOG Licence?
You can apply for a licence via the Irish Water web site:
If you operate a restaurant, cafe, hotel, fast food outlet etc. you will need to apply for a Trade Effluent FOG Licence
If you operate a service station, dry cleaners etc. you will need to apply for a Trade Effluent Licence
The cost is €380.00 per year made payable to Irish Water.

“For busy food operators, grease trap compliance is a time consuming and challenging responsibility.”
– Michael Byrnes, Powerscourt Hotel

“For busy food operators, grease trap compliance is a time consuming and challenging responsibility.”
– Michael Byrnes, Powerscourt Hotel
A Taylormade Service Plan – Keeping you Compliant
A Comprehensive Service – One Fixed Monthly Fee:
A Preventative Maintenance Plan for your existing or new grease trap will eliminate blockages, bad odours and costly downtime while ensuring your premises is compliant with all Local Authority and Irish Water regulations. Our Maintenance Plans are taylormade to the needs of each facility and include scheduled waste disposal, daily bacterial treatments, bimonthly service visits and an online compliance reporting service. All of this for one fixed monthly fee.
Maintenance and Compliance Software
MACS® is a unique database that is updated monthly or bimonthly by your Service Engineer. It provides food operators and Irish Water inspectors with remote access to all of your grease trap maintenance & compliance records.
Hard copy records are produced by your Service Engineer and stored in your on-site water-resistant Compliance Manual.
In addition, your maintenance and compliance reports are emailed to you and your designated staff.
Access to MACS® includes:
- Waste Disposal Certificates
- FOG, BOD, COD, pH levels etc.
- Maintenance Reporting
- Staff Training Records
- Annual Environment Reports
- Discharge Licensing
- Irish Water Inspections
- Performance Reporting
- Reactive Maintenance
Monitoring –
Waste Water Analysis Reporting
Scheduled monitoring and reporting is carried out every 30 or 60 days and all mandatory records are updated. This ensures the performance data is accurate, consistent and actionable. You and your Local Authority Inspectors can remotely access these records via MACS® or view them in your on-site Compliance Manual.
Scheduled Cleaning –
Licensed Pump Out Service
Our scheduled pump-out service ensures you never have to deal with a drain or grease trap blockage. We will contact you several days in advance to arrange a time that best suits you and your staff. You will receive before and after photographs of the pump-out service which can be accessed at any time via MACS®
Technical Support –
Unlimited Assistance
Just received an inspection? Need to apply for a Trade Effluent Discharge Licence? Just give us a call and we will gladly assist you.

“Taylormade Applied for Our Discharge Licence & Our Compliance Records are Always Up-To Date.”
– David Crudge, Chef
“Taylormade Applied for Our Discharge Licence & Our Compliance Records are Always Up-To Date.”
– David Crudge, Chef
A Taylormade Greasetrap Compliance Manual is vital for any good food operation as it consolidates all necessary documentation and procedures to ensure legal and environmental compliance. The compliance manual includes detailed greasetrap compliance records, outlining cleaning schedules, maintenance logs, and inspections. It also contains waste disposal certificates, verifying proper handling and disposal by our licensed contractors.
Additionally, it compiles all legal documentation required by law, including permits and regulatory guidelines, making Irish Water audits and inspections hassle-free. By offering a centralised, easy-to-follow resource, our compliance manual promotes accountability, reduces the risk of non-compliance, and ensures smooth, efficient operations while upholding industry standards. You can view this short video to better understand how our Greasetrap Compliance Manual can bring valuable benefits to you and your staff.
Whats Included in your Records:
- Every Waste Disposal Certificate to Date.
- Current Fat, Oil & Grease Levels in your Trap.
- Bacterial Treatment Replenish Records.
- Date & Time of every Service Engineer Visit.
- Waste Water Analysis Results.
- Information About your Grease Trap Make & Model.
- History Reports for Additional Maintenance Work Carried out on your Grease Trap.