BIOTRAP®- King of Passive Grease Traps!

BIOTRAP®- King of Passive Grease Traps!


As waste water enters the BIOTRAP® the internal (stainless steel) baffles reduce the flow allowing the water to cool quickly. FOG then rises to the surface of the trap and solidifies while food particles sink to the bottom. Waste water with the FOG removed can safely enter the public sewer.

Fatburgs! Council Urge No FOG Down the Drain.

Fatburgs! Council Urge No FOG Down the Drain.

Councils speak out.

Clean coasts and Irish Water remind the people of Carlow not to use their as a bin as Irish Water cleared almost 1,500 sewer blockages already this year. That’s 125 blockages every single week.

How to Reduce FOG in your Commercial Kitchen.

How to Reduce FOG in your Commercial Kitchen.

Clean Your Grease Trap on a Regular Basis.

Ensure your grease trap is in tiptop condition will allow it to function efficiently. To get started with the cleaning routine, consult the trap’s manufacturer. This will help you get recommendations on how best to clean the grease trap.

More Tips for Reducing FOG in your Kitchen.

More Tips for Reducing FOG in your Kitchen.

By following these top tips you should notice a difference to the FOG levels in your premises. However, all commercial kitchens are required to have a correctly sized grease trap. Local councils and food authorities are making regular visits and inspections to premises.

Do you Really Need a Grease Trap? Three Reasons Why.

Do you Really Need a Grease Trap? Three Reasons Why.

Grease Traps. Whether you are a business owner or a housewife, all of us are familiar with the properties of fats, oils and grease. Grease is one of the leading contributors to blocked drains and smells in commercial and household drains. But why? Why is it so destructive? Why are grease traps essential?